Every year, an international jury selects about a hundred professors to join the University Institute of France (IUF).

For five years, IUF members are relieved of two thirds of their classes, receive research funds, and are awarded the scientific excellence bonus.

In 2013, five professors from the University of Strasbourg have been nominated to IUF: a physician, an economist, a prehistorian, a chemist… and your servant! 🙂

This nomination is effective October 1, 2013, for a period of five years. Being under 40 years of age, I am nominated as “junior” member.

I am honored to receive such a distinction and to contribute through my research to scientific progress in the area of ancient Hebrew and Aramaic literature.

For more information on the University Institute of France, please visit iuf.amue.fr.

October 21 update:

A little souvenir from the installation ceremony in Sorbonne, Paris! 😉

28 thoughts on “University Institute of France

  1. Bravo, félicitations Maître Michael ! Sacré palmarès : après l’EPHE, le CNRS, le CdF, l’ICP, la FTPS, l’AIB-L, voilà maintenant l’IUF : gare à l’acmé qui se profile vite… au Panthéon 🙂 Quant à moi, Je ME souhaite bon courage de m’être embarqué en votre compagnie dans une aventure qui me parchemine le cerveau, tel un rouleau de Qûmran dont je ne vous garantis pas (encore) le décryptage 🙂 🙂 🙂 Amitiés שלום

  2. toutes mes félicitations, Michael, et bonne continuation dans la recherche !

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