Je serai à Londres du 9 au 12 juillet 2018 pour la rencontre de l’organisation internationale d’études targoumiques (International Organization for Targumic Studies, IOTS).

Les targoums sont les versions araméennes de la Bible hébraïque et, pour sa 9e rencontre internationale, l’IOTS s’intéressera aux dialectes araméens dans leur environnement tardo-antique et au développement des targoums dans leur milieu interprétatif large.

Cette rencontre est organisée conjointement par l’institut d’études juives, University College London, et IOTS. Je remercie le président, Willem Smelik, de m’avoir invité à parler de nouvelles inscriptions araméennes à la lumière des targoums.

Pour plus de renseignements, rendez-vous sur le site de l’IOTS. Voici le programme provisoire de ce colloque passionnant :

Monday, July 9th
Visit to the British Library (limited access)
Keynote Lecture:
ROBERT HAYWARD, Reconsidering Targum Jonathan Malachi 1:11
Chair: Philip Alexander

Tuesday, July 10th
Chair: Moshe Bernstein
BÄRRY HARTOG, Pesher and Targum: Revisiting an Old Issue
SRECKO KORALIJA, Targum and Peshitta: The Lexeme špr
DAVID SHEPHERD, What’s ‘Targumic’ about the Genesis Apocryphon? Reflections on 1Q20 as an Aramaic version

Chair: Willem Smelik
LEEOR GOTTLIEB, Is Pseudo-Jonathan a European Targum?
GAVIN MCDOWELL, The Date and Provenance of Targum Pseudo-Jonathan: The Evidence of Pirqe de-Rabbi Eliezer
ABRAHAM J. BERKOVITZ, The Late Antique Contexts of Targum Psalms

Chair: Michael Langlois
NAHUM BEN-YEHUDA, Textile and Garment Terminology in the Targumim MATTHEW MORGENSTERN, Newly Discovered Lexemes in Mandaic
MARGARETHA FOLMER, The Translation of Biblical Hebrew אל in Targum Onqelos: the Complementation of Verbs of Motion and Verbs of Saying

Visit to the Petrie Museum (to be confirmed)

Keynote Lecture:
STEVEN FASSBERG, Jewish Palestinian Aramaic: Typology, Geography, and Chronology
Chair: Lily Kahn

Wednesday, July 11th
Chair: Margaretha Folmer
SHAI HEIJMANS, The segol in Targum Jonathan according to MS Reuchlin DMYTRO TSOLIN, Compound Verbal Forms in Aramaic Dialects of the Targums: Discourse Aspects
DAVID EVERSON, The Hapax Legomena of Pseudo-Jonathan

Chair: Laura Lieber
MICHAEL LANGLOIS, New Aramaic Divination Texts in Light of the Targums
MIRIAM KAHANA, Targum Jonathan to the Prophets and the Masoretic Cantillations WILLEM SMELIK, Targum Toledot Yeshu

Chair: Miriam Kahana
DINEKE HOUTMAN, What’s in a Name: The Translation of Toponyms in Targum Isaiah
GARY RENDSBURG, Targumic Parallels to Variant Readings of the Book of Samuel amongst the Cairo Genizah Manuscripts
JOHANNA TANJA, Tosefta Targums in Targum Samuel

Chair: Eveline van Staalduine-Sulman
MOSHE BERNSTEIN,An Aramaic Poem for Purim, but It’s Not About Purim! LAURA LIEBER, Refrains and Acclamations: The Congregational Dynamic within JPA Poetry
MICHAEL RAND, The Use of Aramaic in Classical (Byzantine-era) Palestinian Piyyut, and Beyond
ELIAV GROSSMAN, Observations on the Relationship between JPA Poetry and Targumic Expansions

Keynote Lecture:
PHILIP ALEXANDER, The Study of the Targumim in the Early Modern Period, with particular reference to Codex Neofiti and Pseudo-Jonathan to the Torah
Chair: Dineke Houtman

Thursday, July 12th
Chair: David Shepherd
CRAIG MORRISON, Abraham and the Fires of Gehenna in the Palestinian Targums and the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16,19-31)
CHRISTIAN BRADY, “The Lord Has Trodden as in a Wine Press,” A Note Regarding TgLam 1:15 and Isa. 63:3
EVELINE VAN STAALDUINE-SULMAN, The Reception of the Tenth Commandment

Keynote Lecture:
PAUL V.M. FLESHER, Where did the Scripture Reader and the Scripture Translator Stand in Ancient Galilean Synagogues?
Chair: Robert Hayward

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