...me permettez de vous poser quatre petites questions que j’attendrais des réponses très courtes et simples: 1) Etes-vous au courant des manuscrits de N...Read More
...the Apocrypha” on July 16, 2014, during the Fort-de-France cultural festival. Here is the video that was aired the following day (July 17) on Marti...Read More
...my conference in Paris on December 10, 2014. I thank Dariusz Długosz for his numerous compliments and invite you to read his review: Dariusz Długosz, “Confé...Read More
Michael Langlois on Facebook Merci à tous ceux qui ont partagé l'info ! :-) La conférence a lieu vendredi, je compte sur vous !! ;-) Maitokarukera Duflo...Read More
A new ecumenical theological institute will open its doors in Morocco: Al Mowafaqa. I was first contacted in 2011 to help set up the academic program for this institute. It....Read More