A new ecumenical theological institute will open its doors in Morocco: Al Mowafaqa.
I was first contacted in 2011 to help set up the academic program for this institute. It has since adopted legal statutes and nominated a scientific council, which I am honored to be a part of.
I am thus going to Morocco on July 5-15 for the first session of the institute’s scientific council. We will also offer a series of conferences in Ifrane, during which I will give a lecture on “The Birth of the Bible,” July 10 from 9:00 to 11:30 AM.
Have a good summer! 😉
Bon travail Micheal et un excellent voyage! Je trouve que les Marocais sont très chanceux. Ils doivent profider de votre présence pour poser des questions, faure des photos de souvenirs et pour prendre des orthographes.