Amos (Gustave Doré 1865)The Unistra seminar on the Book of the Prophet Amos begins today! This course is intended for second year Master students at the University of Strasbourg‘s Faculty of Protestant Theology. The first semester will be dedicated to Amos’ prophetic visions, with a comparative study of the masoretic (Hebrew) text and the (Greek) Septuagint version, together with a synthesis of major theological themes. I am delighted to teach this seminar with Regine Hunziker-Rodewald, Professor of Old Testament.

2 thoughts on “The Book of Amos: Seminar at the University of Strasbourg

  1. Do you offer the course on the book of Amos online? Is there a way I can have access to the course material syllabus, notes, projects etc?

    1. I’m sorry, but access to course material is restricted to University of Strasbourg students… 🙁
      However, I am available for conferences or sessions abroad (in English or French) upon invitation from foreign institutions, so don’t hesitate to contact me! 😉

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