French newspaper “Le Figaro” talks about the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition at the National Library. Journalist Claire Bommelaer concludes that the scrolls exhibition, set in a historical con...Read More
On the occasion of the “Bible, Heritage of Mankind” exhibition, recently inaugurated at the UNESCO, I answered Bernard Coyault’s questions on the textual history of the Hebrew Bible ...Read More
Chroniques Magazine’s latest issue (March-April 2010, nr. 53) reports on the upcoming Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition. I was interviewed by Editor-in-Chief Sylvie Lisiecki:...Read More
Antonio Piñero wrote a review of my book, Le premier manuscrit du Livre d’Hénoch, in Estudios Biblicos 67/2 (2009), 333-335. He concludes that: Realmente no tengo más que palabras de alabanza...Read More